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Art Gallery

Blackspace Contemporary


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Crowdfunding invitation letter:


Dear friends,


As you all know I have always been eager to share my vision on art and society with the people I know well and care about. True art for me is this beautiful and liberal place which at times humbles and is able to profoundly move and console us. Looking and listening to art, reading or eating it connects us to the most profound parts of our own being and makes us think, consider, reconsider and interact with ourselves and others.


One way of showing my vision on art is of course my own artistic work but I have always felt the need to give a more extensive idea of what I think is relevant in art by showing the work of other artists I admire and learn from. That is why I decided to pursuit a long lived dream and together with my life partner Vanessa Arts, open a gallery space with the name BLACKSPACE CONTEMPORARY in the cultural heart of Malaga, a city we both love and feel at home in.


At this moment we are representing 6 incredibly gifted artists: Laura González Cabrera, Cristina Silván, Mariken van Heugten, Mark Cohen, Mario de Ayguavives, Sidi el Karchi, and in the near future several new artists will be incorporated. To have a solid 2 year-base for the gallery we aim to collect between 75.000 to 100.000 euros in crowdfunding. These are our goals for 2023/2024:


  • Rent, decorate and run a gallery space near to the museum of contemporary art in the cultural heart of Malaga called the SOHO-district.

  • Be present at several art fairs both in Spain and The Netherlands to promote the gallery and our artists.

  • Boost sales through the website and promote the gallery on social media creating a Blackspace community.

  • Introducing the renting of artworks which to this day is not common in the Spanish art market.

  • Start a collaboration with NFTespaña to be able to provide physical artworks of our artists in combination with a NFT of the work offering additional content, value and service to our clients.


 As we believe art can be an excellent medium for political, social and cultural ideas as well, our gallery will have a project room in order to give a voice to artists, researches, philosophers  and historians and their visions on today´s important topics without any commercial aim. Vanessa Arts will be in charge of the program of this project room and poetry cycles.


Gallery BLACKSPACE CONTEMPORARY will only be possible with sufficient financial funding and that is why we would like to ask you whether you want to help us conceive this long lived dream and be part of the Blackspace family through crowdfunding us. For more information and crowdfunding possibilities please  click on the button below or just call us. We will be more than happy to get in touch with you and explain you all there is to the project.


Best regards,

Mark Cohen and Vanessa Arts

0034 623 590 334

Instagram: blackspace_contemporary

Art Gallery

About Blackspace Contemporary


Blackspace Contemporary is named after the Blackspace project room of former gallerist Alejandro Sales (Barcelona) where Mark Cohen started his own artistic career.


Blackspace Contemporary will represent both national and international artists with a similar approach to contemporary art. Their artwork is complex, both in form and significance and in constant dialogue with its spectators. Their work is a result of their pursuit of not yet existing images which they are eager to see. Each finished work is a reality of its own. It can be admired, questioned even, but will always create a lasting relationship with its owner.

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Gallery owner Mark Cohen was born in The Netherlands in 1975 and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Maastricht in 1999. Apart of being a painter he also has degrees in Art and Spanish Education. He worked at the Education Department of the museum of contemporary art in Antwerp (MUHKA), Gallery 1 and has curated several exhibitions in both the Netherlands and Spain. He also used to teach Art, Spanish and Dutch in The Netherlands.

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Vanessa Arts was born in 1981 and grew up in Spain. After graduating in History at Málaga University, she moved to the Netherlands and obtained a Master of Arts in Cultural Studies and a Master of Arts in Spanish Language and Literature.  She was a teacher trainer, lecturer and one of the coordinators of the Spanish department at Fontys University of Applied Sciences for eleven years. She taught courses in Spanish and Hispanic History, Culture, Literature and Language as well as in Multilingualism and Culturally Responsive Teaching. As co-founder of Blackspace Contemporary she will be in charge of the Poetry Cycles and  the social-intercultural exhibitions held in our future Project Room.



Be part of Blackspace Contemporary through Crowdfunding. It´s our goal to raise between 75.000 and 100.000 euro in order to make Blackspace Contemporary happen. Every single donation and loan is valuable to us so feel free to choose the level that suits you the most and then contact us at for payment details.


Option 1. Donate 150 euros and you will receive:

A silkscreen print produced by Mark Cohen.


Option 2. Donate 500 euros and you will receive:

3 different silkscreen prints produced by Mark Cohen.

Your (company) name on the Blackspace founders' wall.


Option 3. Donate between 1,000 and 5,000 euros and you will receive:

3 different silkscreen prints produced by Mark Cohen.

Your (company) name on the Blackspace founders' wall.

25% of your donation in Renting value.


Option 4. Donate between 5,000 and 10,000 euros and you will receive:

3 different silkscreen prints produced by Mark Cohen.

Your (company) name on the Blackspace founders' wall.

25% of your donation in Renting value.

Access to exclusive previews.


Option 5. Are you interested in investing 10,000 euros or more in Blackspace Contemporary then you can choose to crowdfund the amount partially or entirely on a 2-year loanbase at a 3,5% interest rate.


And you will receive:

3 different silkscreen prints produced by Mark Cohen.

Your (company) name on the Blackspace founders' wall.

25% of your donation in Renting value.

Access to exclusive previews.


Blackspace Project Room

As co-founder of Blackspace Contemporary Vanessa Arts will also be in charge of our future Project Room where social-intercultural exhibitions will be held. Giving a voice to artists, researchers and historians and their vision on today´s important topics without any comercial aim.


Blackspace Poetry

Curated by Vanessa Arts,  Blackspace Contemporary will present a new poem on the gallery windows every month by both national and international writers. These poems will also be available for Renting and sale as limited editions on high quality prints.


Blackspace Renting

Maybe you would like to change the art in your home or business every so often;  maybe you are not yet sure you want to build that long-term relationship with the artwork you admire so much or maybe the investment is too high but you feel the need to have that certain piece of art anyway... Whatever the situation, Blackspace Renting is perfect for you! Check out our monthly rates below to bring your favorite artworks home at very affordable prices:


  • Pay 1,5% per month of the selling price of the artwork and feel free to change it for any other piece whenever you feel like it.


  • Pay 2% per month of the selling price of the artwork and receive 1% in cashback on the purchase of that artwork or any other artwork in the gallery.

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Blackspace  Commissions

If you would like to commission an artwork or a larger scale indoor or outdoor project from one of the gallery artists, please let us know.

We will also be very pleased to help you find artworks by specific artists, build an art collection, organise art events and lectures, or find the perfect artworks for your interior design projects, for example hotels, offices, high end interiors etc.

If you would like more information about renting artwork for your interior designs or commissioning one of our artists for a site specific project, please see the catalogue below.




Málaga, Spain


Contact address:

C/ Medina Azahara 10 A2

29631 Arroyo de la Miel, Spain

0034 623590334


Bank accounts:


BancoSabadell: ES19 0081 0547 4400 0269 9581 (Mark Rene Cohen) 



ABNAMRO: NL92 ABNA 0440 9768 12 (M R Cohen)



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